Why Do Electrical Contractors Fear Energy Efficient Products?
Why Are Contractors Afraid Of Encouraging Energy Efficient Products?

"C'Mon Man" And Energy Efficiency....Say What?
I like watching Football on Sunday's when I have time..which isn't very often. So instead of watching hours of Football, I like to watch the ESPN show to see what has been going on in the NFL for the week.
For about 2 minutes each week, the 4 or 5 commentators pick a "C'mon Man" moment.They each take a turn and highlight plays or funny things that happen on the field. Usually good for a few laughs.
For those of you who don't follow Football, the "C'mon Man" segment highlights some of the silly things that professional Football players do on the field. They are more or less saying, "C'mon Man" you are a Pro, what were you thinking?
Here is a segment from YouTube as an example of one of the segments.
My Own "C'mon Man" Moments
After watching this a few times, I find myself saying "C'mon Man" when a person cuts me off on the highway or when my computer doesn't want to do what I WANT IT to do! Last week I had one of those moments when "C'mon Man" came to mind for a different situation.
"C'mon Man" thought of the week:
An Electrical Contractor Tries To Discourage Customer From Using Energy Efficient Lighting..."C'mon Man"....
We Point Our Customers Toward Energy Efficient Products....If It Makes "cents".
Last week I met with a General Contractor in Tennessee. They were interested in how we have developed our energy efficiency business. They thought it was quite refreshing to find a contractor who actually encourages energy efficient products where ever possible and practical.
Electrical Contractor Discourages Customer
They were telling us about a job they had just completed that the Electrical Contractor adamantly opposed the use of LED technology in a facility. On top of that, it was a NEW facility. If the owner of the facility hadn't demanded that they use the LED, it would have never happened and they would have used 400w Metal Halides which use 50-75% more energy than the LED fixtures.
This would cost the owner thousands of dollars over the life of the new system.
Electrical Contractors Are Ideal Energy Consultants
Contractors are supposed to be the experts. There is no one better positioned to take advantage of the benefits of promoting energy efficiency. If you are a contractor who has not looked into promoting energy efficiency, you are missing out on a great opportunity to grow your business in this terrible economy.
In a bad economy, everyone is looking for ways to reduce costs. Energy efficiency is one of the very few things you can do to actually REDUCE overhead costs. Very appealing to business owners in a crappy economy.
Key Takeaway: Contractors Fear Energy Efficient Products Because They Haven't Taken The Time To Learn About Energy Efficiency
In the end it is up to the customer to make the decision on what they are going to do. We just try to help them find the options that make the most sense for the customer.
We are not into energy efficiency to make money off of pushing energy efficient products...(not much money there). We want to help our customers do the right thing...what is best for them. We get paid to change out the light fixture so we are more interested in the customer getting the best payback as possible.
Contractors need to be more of a consultant rather than contractors. If your doing the work anyway, why not help your customers with a long term strategy of reducing their energy bill?
Even if you don't make a lot of money from the job, they will have a tremendous amount of respect for you since you did something that helped them reduce expenses long term.
Who will they think of the next time they need electrical work done?
If you can't answer that, then send me a comment in the section below.
Learn More About The Energy Efficiency Business
If you are a contractor, or business owner considering an energy efficient product, learn more about energy efficiency in our FREE e-book: Business Owners Guide To Energy Efficiency. This e-book looks at the benefits to a business and why a business owner should consider energy efficient products.
Don't think because you are an Electrical Contractor that you shouldn't read it.....you can learn the 5 points that you should be focusing on to sell more business in this down economy..."C'mon Man"....Download it Now! You will be glad you did.