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How To Finance Energy Saving Solutions With No Out-Of-Pocket Cost


Why Finance Your Energy Saving Solutions?

What Are The Two Types Of Energy Efficiency Incentives?


2 Basic Types of Utility Incentives

Most programs came out with an annual budget amount they are going to spend on incentives, and you have to fill out the paperwork correctly and make sure you meet all the criteria for the utility. There are two basic types of incentives. There’s a prescriptive incentive, and a custom incentive.

Can Energy Efficient Lighting Increase Employee Productivity?

energy efficient lighting productivity improvement ge lighting 600px

Is There More To Energy Efficient Lighting Than "The Numbers"?

The focus of most energy efficient lighting upgrades focus on the financial aspects of the benefits to the owner.  Less of a consideration for building owners, but nonetheless important, is the impact a lighting system has on your employees. 

How To Clean Up Your "Dirty" Power With Energy Efficient Lighting


Beyond The Obvious Benefits Of Energy Efficient Lighting....

Lighting Uses ALOT Of US Total Electricity Capacity

Lighting utilizes about 18% of the total electricity currently generated in the United States.  Lighting within commercial buildings is responsible for roughly 71% of the 18% total electricity generated.  Energy efficient lighting is one physical change that  could bring that percentage down drastically.

How Can Energy Efficient Lighting Reduce Cooling Loads By 40%?

hovey electric how to reduce cooling cost

Lighting Consumes The Most Energy In Your Building...Time To Consider Energy Efficient Lighting

Lighting is one of the most significant expenses in operating a building.  Typically, lighting is actually the largest cost component of a commercial buildings energy bill. 

3 Reasons Why Utilities Offer Energy Efficiency Incentives


Did You Know That Utilities Across The Country Are Offering Cash Energy Efficiency Incentives?

How To Claim "Free Money" Through Utility Incentive Programs

There are many types of utility incentives available to home owners and commercial businesses.  The incentive programs from the utility is typically a direct cash incentive for upgrading to a more energy efficient system.  Each state and or utility offer different programs (I listed each State in another post on incentives).

How Auto Dealer Found Ways to Increase Energy Efficiency


Dave VanTol from Hovey Electric interviews Jeff Crippen, President of Crippen Auto Mall located in Lansing, MI.  Jeff and Dave discuss some of the unique challenges encountered on the project and how Hovey Electric was able to conquer those challenges.   

Auto Dealer Using Induction Lighting Featured-Distributed Energy


Energy Efficiency Project Featured in Distributed Energy

Hovey Electric's project at Crippen Automotive is featured in Distributed Energy-The Journal of Energy Efficiency and Reliability. Crippen recently upgraded all of the lighting both inside and outside of their facility.  One of the most drastic changes was utilizing 250 watt Induction lighting technology to replace 1000 watt Metal Halide Fixtures. 

Industrial Electrical Contractor Hovey Electric Locates in Guthrie,KY


Welcome To My Very First Blog

As I am writing this first blog, we are actually traveling at 70 mph heading south to the newest location of Hovey Electric. 

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