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5 Easy, Energy Efficient Solutions For Your Business


Energy efficient businesses save themselves significant dollars while at the same time improve
a world that continues to struggle under increasing energy demands. And, the effort and money it takes to become an energy efficient businesses is surprisingly little.  Simple upgrades can quickly transform any business into an energy efficient one.

1- Replace Old Refrigerators and Freezers

Old refrigerators and freezers are some of the biggest energy hogs. The best way to reduce your monthly electric bill, replace old refrigerators and freezers with new, energy efficient, models. Many cities even offer incentive programs for those who want to trade old for new. Still, it can cost a lot to buy a new refrigerator/freezer, even with incentive programs. If you’re not in the position to make a big purchase you can replace the magnetic gasket lining the door. Over time, gaskets sag, creating gaps through which cold air will leak, reducing energy efficiency. New gaskets are inexpensive and easy to install.

Energy Efficient Systems:How To Reduce Hidden Peak Demand Charges

energy efficient systems should end the peak demand confusion

Energy Efficient Systems Should Reduce Your Peak Demand Charges....But How Do You Know?

Why Are Utility Bills So Confusing?

If you have ever tried to really understand your utility bill, you know that sometimes utility bills are not very clear (ok...most of the time!).  It is not uncommon for the bill to not show the actual total kilowatt hour costs. 

Energy Efficient Motors:When Is The Right Time To Replace Old Motors?

energy efficient motors how to plan a efficient replacement strategy

Save Your Company Money With Energy Efficient Motors....But You Need To Plan Ahead!

Choosing the Right Motor Requires A Plan

When a motor goes bad, you rarely have time to consider all the options that you should consider before purchasing a new motor.  You likely are in a position that requires immediate action. 

How to Calculate the ROI For Energy Efficient Solutions


Finding The Return on Investment for Energy Efficient Solutions

Lifetime Return on Investment (L-ROI)

Most financial analysis do not look at the lifetime savings of a potential energy efficiency upgrade.  This is an important point that cannot be missed. 

4 Real Stories About Energy Efficient Solutions That Save BIG Money


Are There Really Energy Efficient Solutions That Save Money?

We do a lot of research and promotion for energy efficiency. I present solutions to

What Are The Two Types Of Energy Efficiency Incentives?


2 Basic Types of Utility Incentives

Most programs came out with an annual budget amount they are going to spend on incentives, and you have to fill out the paperwork correctly and make sure you meet all the criteria for the utility. There are two basic types of incentives. There’s a prescriptive incentive, and a custom incentive.

Dealership Lighting:Boost Profits With Annual Energy Savings


Annual Savings Can Save Dealerships BIG Money...

Annual savings is one of the most obvious benefits to upgrading lighting infrastructure. Reducing wattage is the key, so the more reduced the wattage, the more annual savings will be available to you.

Can Energy Efficient Lighting Increase Employee Productivity?

energy efficient lighting productivity improvement ge lighting 600px

Is There More To Energy Efficient Lighting Than "The Numbers"?

The focus of most energy efficient lighting upgrades focus on the financial aspects of the benefits to the owner.  Less of a consideration for building owners, but nonetheless important, is the impact a lighting system has on your employees. 

How To Clean Up Your "Dirty" Power With Energy Efficient Lighting


Beyond The Obvious Benefits Of Energy Efficient Lighting....

Lighting Uses ALOT Of US Total Electricity Capacity

Lighting utilizes about 18% of the total electricity currently generated in the United States.  Lighting within commercial buildings is responsible for roughly 71% of the 18% total electricity generated.  Energy efficient lighting is one physical change that  could bring that percentage down drastically.

How Can Energy Efficient Lighting Reduce Cooling Loads By 40%?

hovey electric how to reduce cooling cost

Lighting Consumes The Most Energy In Your Building...Time To Consider Energy Efficient Lighting

Lighting is one of the most significant expenses in operating a building.  Typically, lighting is actually the largest cost component of a commercial buildings energy bill. 

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