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Can Energy Efficient Lighting Increase Employee Productivity?

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Is There More To Energy Efficient Lighting Than "The Numbers"?

The focus of most energy efficient lighting upgrades focus on the financial aspects of the benefits to the owner.  Less of a consideration for building owners, but nonetheless important, is the impact a lighting system has on your employees. 

How To Clean Up Your "Dirty" Power With Energy Efficient Lighting


Beyond The Obvious Benefits Of Energy Efficient Lighting....

Lighting Uses ALOT Of US Total Electricity Capacity

Lighting utilizes about 18% of the total electricity currently generated in the United States.  Lighting within commercial buildings is responsible for roughly 71% of the 18% total electricity generated.  Energy efficient lighting is one physical change that  could bring that percentage down drastically.

How Can Energy Efficient Lighting Reduce Cooling Loads By 40%?

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Lighting Consumes The Most Energy In Your Building...Time To Consider Energy Efficient Lighting

Lighting is one of the most significant expenses in operating a building.  Typically, lighting is actually the largest cost component of a commercial buildings energy bill. 

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