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What Are The Two Types Of Energy Efficiency Incentives?


2 Basic Types of Utility Incentives

Most programs came out with an annual budget amount they are going to spend on incentives, and you have to fill out the paperwork correctly and make sure you meet all the criteria for the utility. There are two basic types of incentives. There’s a prescriptive incentive, and a custom incentive.

3 Reasons Why Utilities Offer Energy Efficiency Incentives


Did You Know That Utilities Across The Country Are Offering Cash Energy Efficiency Incentives?

How To Claim "Free Money" Through Utility Incentive Programs

There are many types of utility incentives available to home owners and commercial businesses.  The incentive programs from the utility is typically a direct cash incentive for upgrading to a more energy efficient system.  Each state and or utility offer different programs (I listed each State in another post on incentives).

The Best Kind Of State Incentives For Energy Efficiency - CASH!


Did You Know There Is Cash Sitting There Waiting For You?

So many people really think that energy efficiency is a scam.  It is ironic in "web based" world that the impression would still be intact. 

Utilities Paying Incentives But NOT Using Energy Efficient Lighting!


Utility Uses Inefficient 400 Watt Metal Halide For New Street Lights

I was recently traveling in Kentucky near our new facility and I noticed some new street lights put up by the local utility in the area.  Since they were new, I stopped in to take a look to see what type of technology they are using. 

Energy Efficiency Incentives: What Are "Prescriptive" Incentives?


Does Your Kentucky Or Tennessee Business Qualify For TVA Energy Efficiency Incentives?

Understanding Incentive Categories

In a previous article I discussed what categorizes a lighting project as "custom" for TVA and also gave an example project to show the great rebate incentives they are offering their customers. In this article I would like to highlight the "prescriptive" lighting program they offer.

Energy Efficiency Incentives: TVA Incentives For "Custom" Lighting


Does Your Kentucky Or Tennessee Business Qualify For TVA Energy Efficiency Incentives?

Understanding Incentive Categories

This article will highlight categories that the municipality incentives fall into. More specifically, these are the categories of TVA in the Kentucky and Tennessee area.

Learn How to Find Energy Efficiency Incentives


$30 Million in DOE Energy Efficiency Retrofits Awards

The US Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced nearly $30 million in awards for state energy efficiency projects that are pretty exciting.

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