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400 Watt Metal Halide Replacements: LED Highbay vs. T5 Highbay

LED highbay

LED vs. T5, the Highbay Heavy Hitters

When it comes to highbay lighting, metal halide is a thing of the past. Way to costly to run and maintain. Today, most people rely on T5 highbay's to fill that lighting application. It's inexpensive for the initial purchase, and is very cheap to maintain and run.

How To Calculate T5 vs 400 Watt Metal Halide High Bay Wattage


Difference in Wattage: 400 Watt MH to T-5 High Bay

Calculating the cost benefits between a 400 Watt MH compared to a T-5 High Bay Fluorescent is a relatively simple calculation.  Calculating energy efficiency is actually simple subtraction problem. 

5 Steps To Calculate Total Fixture Wattage For Metal Halide Fixtures


Metal Halide Fixtures Are Some Of The Most INEFFICIENT Lighting Options Available....Do You Have Some?

Metal halide fixtures are still being specified into projects even though they are one of the worse possible options when considering upgrading your lighting.

Metal Halide:The Shocking Truth In The Life Of A Metal Halide Bulb


How Long Is The "Real" Life Of A  Metal Halide Bulb?

All metal halide bulbs have a relatively short life span compared to new technologies that are available today. This article is going to share with you the "shocking truth" that you may not realize if you are the owner of metal halide fixtures

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