Hovey Electric Top 5 Finalist - Hubspot "..Success Story of The Year"
Hovey Electric chosen as 1 of the Top 5 Success Stories of the Year by Hubspot Users.
A Year Long Website Improvement Project
About a year ago, we embarked on an aggressive effort to increase the traffic to our website. I often get the look of "what in the heck does he do sitting behind the computer all day..." Over the past year I have spent a great deal of time learning about inbound marketing. This is a process of getting your website found instead of just sitting out there doing nothing.
We were tired of constantly being a hostage to a web master that only responded whenever he wanted. Beyond that, the web master charged us dearly every time I wanted to make a change.
Even when the changes were made,
we never increased visitors to the site and were disappointed in the results we were getting from our website.
Like most business owners, we didn't know much about marketing our business online, especially for Electrical contracting.
We decided to take control of our own website and developed a web marketing strategy, so we went looking for a platform. Here's what we did...
We Chose the Hubspot Platform
Hubspot is an innovative software company that has truly created a Hub of all that you need to successfully marketing your business online. Hosting our site at Hubspot gives us all the tools we need to actively market our business.
- our own web pages(...as many as we want, whenever we want)
- blogs
- landing pages
- calls to action
- We optimize our own content by using the...
- Keyword Grader to identify the RIGHT long tail keywords
- Page Grader to identify the SEO issues with individual pages
- Link Grader to monitor the quality of our links
- Hubspot also integrates...
- our Social Media Marketing strategy
- Email Marketing through ongoing lead nurturing
- We are able to measure our conversions by identifying the companies...
- that visit our site
- that download our content
- and the number of times they visit our site
- We are able to analyze our Marketing effort by...
- tracking the results of readership on our blog
- measuring the reach of our Social Media and Blogging efforts
- monitoring what our COMPETITORS are doing on their websites,
- how our visitors are getting to our site
- determine the most popular pages
- see what keywords visitors are using
And a whole lot more.....
After spending several months learning the system, we are now beginning to see the results from our efforts.
Hubspot Sponsors Contest
Even though I think our website is awesome, I thought it would be great to find out what the rest of the world thinks about it as well. I recently submitted our website story to a contest titled:
"Are You The Inbound Success Story of the Year?"
In this contest, Hubspot asked for web marketing stories from it's pool of 4000 users. After submission, Hubspot narrowed the field to 5 and put the stories out to their 4000 users across the globe to vote on who they thought was the "Success Story of The Year".
Over 1500 voted, and unfortunately, we didn't finish first. But most importantly, we were very honored to be chosen in the Top 5 of all the submissions entered.
We didn't win the top prize, but placing in the top 5 out of all the submissions was a great compliment to all the hours of work. Because we finished in the Top 5, we received FREE admission to the Hubpsot Users Group conference this Fall, right around a $300 value.
Take A Look At The Stats For The Year...This Is What We Have Done With Our Website
Here are the results from our efforts over the past year:

- Between September of 2007 and September of 2010 (3 years ) we pretty much had less than 50 visitors over that 3 year period. (Since September of 2010 to now, we have had 7,555 visitors or a 750,000+% increase in traffic)
- Our "Organic" search results have gone from 25 visits in September 2010, to just under 800 visits last month (Organic search means someone typed in a term in a search engine such as Google, we show up in the results, and the users chose our site 798 times last month due to where we appear in the search results.)
- When we started, we ranked for 0 keywords. Here is how we rank now (the goal is to rank #10 or below, meaning the first 10 results on a Google search-you have to be in the top 10 if you are going to get your business found):
- We rank #1 for 94 keyword phrases
- We rank #5 or below for 193 keyword phrases
- We rank #10 or below for 256 keyword phrases
- We have 363 keyword phrases that rank below 100.

- The goal of any web marketing effort is to build pages that get indexed by Google. In September of 2010, we had 7 indexed pages. Today, we have 274 indexed pages.
- Alexa is a group that ranks your site based on the traffic to the site. When we started in September 2010, our website ranked 21,525,148, which isn't bad considering there are hundreds of millions of sites out there. Currently, we have moved up 16,245,526 positions to 5,279,622 or the top 17% of ALL the millions of websites ranked by Alexa.

- Since September 2010, Dave VanTol and I have published 47 blog posts (this one makes 48!). Dave has the most popular post with over 850 views!
- We also published the 36 Page e-book, Business Owners Guide To Energy Efficiency (Downloaded by over 60 people, or roughly 23% of the people who visit our landing page for the book!)
For The Next Year
Building a website is a lot of work. Our strategy is a long term investment staking our claim in the "Google World" You have to be dedicated and learn how to be a publisher of great content.
- We will continue to publish more blogs hoping to reach 5 per week
- Double our sales from Internet leads
- Include video marketing
- Double our indexed pages
- Have 300 keyword phrases ranking for #1
The world is moving online at a feverish pace, we figure if your not online, your business may be non-existent in the coming years.
Even if you are online, Can Your Site Be Found?
Let Us Know What You Think Below....We would love to know what you think of our new website. We take constructive criticism very well too!!