Energy Efficient Lighting For Detailing Work Areas
Energy Efficient Lighting Upgrade for Detailing Area at Crippen Automotive
Here's what manager Tom Hopkins had to say about his new lights:
Energy Efficient Lighting in the Detail Area at Crippen Automotive
The Detailing area in a automotive dealership is one of the most important areas for impressing the customers. This is the final stop for the vehicle either being returned to the customer or receiving that brand new car.
To say the vehicle must be cleaned to perfection is an understatement. Often when we visit dealerships, they mention that they always have a spot that is missed when they pull the vehicle out in the natural sunlight.
Energy Efficient Lighting Creates Better Light
That is not the case at Crippen Automotive. With a new lighting upgrade, the hard working employees in the detail area are now able to see MUCH better than before the upgrade. While energy efficiency was the initial driver behind the upgrade, the benefit to this area was the higher quality light.
What Makes the Energy Efficient Lights Better?
We knew that this area would need a high quality light. You can often to that, but you have to give up energy efficiency. In this case, we were able to combine both, for an ideal application in the detail area.
What We Replaced:
(16) 8' T12HO Light Fixtures ( 237 Watts Each)
We Replaced Them With:
Savings: 47 Watts Per Fixture or 752 Watts Total
Why Did We Choose The Energy Efficient Ultralux Fixture?
- Lowest wattage of T5 fixtures
- Blue Max Bulbs have high Kelvin Value and high CRI
What Does All This Mean?
A high CRI value and high Kelvin value means that the light is as close to daylight as you can get in an indoor environment allowing the employees to see much better.
Footcandles Before:35fc

Footcandles After: 85fc

We increased the lighting levels by 50fc while saving 47 watts per fixture.
Make Your Detail Area More Energy Efficient
Hovey Electric looks for the best applications to satisfy the needs of our clients. In this case we were able to provide higher quality light with energy efficient fixtures. Let's take a look at your facility, it's FREE and no obligation required.