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    Inductive Fluorescent provide Greater Savings than LEDs

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    We have found consistently that one of the most cost-effective, quickest energy improvements buildings can undertake are lighting retrofits. And one of the most innovative and energy saving options available right now are the inductive fluorescent lighting systems. We’ve been using this technology with many clients to date with excellent results, both in light quality and performance as well as hard energy savings.


    Inductive fluorescent lighting offers many advantages, making them, in some ways, superior to even LED (light-emitting diode) lighting options. Here’s how the Everlast Inductive Lighting, one of our preferred products, compares to some competitor’s LED lighting:


    • The Everlast lighting provides 50% higher energy efficiency compared to some LEDs
    • Clients find their lighting energy bills drop by up to 60% compared to metal-hallide lamps and similar technologies
    • Comparing light distribution, Everlast’s provide 25% better coverage
    • These inductive fluorescent lighting systems cost about one-fifth that of LED lighting systems
    • Everlast lighting comes with a 10 year warranty, which is double that of many LED lights, and covers approximately 100,000 hours
    • Inductive fluorescents provide two times more light output, with 6400 lumens compared to 3208 lumens of some LEDs, and they maintain lumens superbly with 70% retention over 10 years
    • This lighting provides instant re-strike with unlimited on/off cycles, reducing always-on energy costs
    • In many cases, inductive fluorescents can replace metal halides one-for-one and are easy to install and retrofit existing systems
    • Inductive fluorescents also operate up to 700 degrees cooler than HID light sources, which helps to reduce indoor cooling costs


    In our experience, these savings and advantages prove true again and again, demonstrating that smart, energy efficient lighting is not only good for a company’s green reputation, they’re also excellent for the bottom line.



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