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8 Stages To Do Your Own Commercial Energy Audit - 8th Stage[Part 4]


Stage 8-Jump Over Stage 3, 4, 5, 6....that's 40 Hours of Your Time

Ummm....But You Said We Needed ALL The Stages.....

Well you do need all the stages.  It is a process like I talked about in Part 1.  You have read it all, so now after reading Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3, Do you think you can handle the whole deal of doing your own energy efficiency audit? 

How To Do Your Own Commercial Energy Audit In 8 Stages [Part 3]


Stages 5-7: Do-It-Yourself Commercial Energy Audit For Lighting:

Here is where the rubber hits the road; time to do the math.  Now don't go and stop reading this article just because there is math involved.  Remember I mentioned Stage 8 (tomorrow's post..).  Stage 8 is the easiest and least time will see. 

How To Do Your Own Commercial Energy Audit In 8 Stages [Part 2]


Stages 1-4: Do-It-Yourself Commercial Energy Audit For Lighting:

Many folks call us up for information on how to do their project or do the calculations needed for making a decision regarding energy efficiency.

Do Your Own Commercial Energy Audit and Instantly Pocket More Money[Part 1]


What Is The Average Cost Of A Commercial Energy Audit?

The term "Green" is everywhere.  There are companies everywhere now that offer energy audits, but what do you really get with an audit? 

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